Another great post. The analogy of the electrified yacht leading to disaster is very telling.

“Net Zero will impoverish us and our children”. I infer that your message is that Net Zero is more than just a pointless vehicle of impoverishment (the UK contributes just 1% of global emissions and atmospheric CO2 has negligible impact on climate as its global warming effect is already saturated), it is a crime against humanity. I hope Ed Miliband reads this, and his Tory predecessors.

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Would the weight of the battery help to sink a yacht faster? I recall reading about that fatal experiment and thinking why they decided to do it. Centuries ago crossing the Atlantic ( Marco Polo, rounding Cape of Good Hope ( Vasco da Gama), was done in sizeable wooden ships with a variety of sails for different wind conditions.

The likes of Ed 'net zero' Millibacon wouldn't have set foot in that yacht- he would be as far removed from it as he will be from the effects of his maniacal agenda for the UK to be mostly powered by wind and sun. But, he and that yacht crew must share the same mindset.... stubborn and unreasonable. There are too many like Milliband populating the government and NGOs with those characteristics, charting the economy and society on to the rocks.

There will have to be huge battery storage facilities around the UK, more pylons, more turbines, more solar panels.....but not where 'they' live. It's frustrating that these people never accept the consequences of their zealotry, their 'righteousness', they always say they had the best intentions, worked with the 'knowledge' they had 'at the time' ( Blair and his WMDs) and they go on to 'destruction' elsewhere.

Milliband and the CCC are deliberately and wilfully sidelining any contrary opinion as he/it pushes the UK to moribund status for energy production and all things dependent on it.

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We're on holiday in Cornwall atm and on the news was a piece about a proposed solar farm near Liskeard. Over 200 acres covered in panels. It faces opposition over concerns about the loss of farmland. But "it will power 11,000 homes". Is that all? That's barely a town. Of course the council has recommended it be approved. There are loads of solar farms down here, bloody awful to see.

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It's certainly not Wycliffe's Cornwall now. The loss of farmland to acres of panels is deranged. More food will have to be imported, and not by hot air balloons. Where is the benefit? The pockets of 'green' investors. Enjoy your holiday, TP and co.

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Another great piece. The zealots on the yacht paid with their lives and no doubt 1000s in this country will pay the price for Ed Miliband's zealotry with theirs when this lunacy really gets going. From next year, new homes will no longer be built with gas central heating. Well that's one way to crash the housing market.

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Excellent. Robert Bryce writes a Substack from the point of view of those who must provide a reliable electric grid.

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We are governed (if you can call it that) by highly intelligent idiots.

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Very good read Ian. All of this for the biggest scam, “man made climate change”, that has ever been invented by our elites. The sooner the western world wakes up to the total non science bull sxxx, we may save annihilation of our economies. Germany and Sweden , seem to be getting it, but not sure how much damage the Milliband fairy tale will do to the U.K., before he is cancelled.

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deletedAug 10
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Yet this is all supposed to be about saving the planet.....lol. Which shows it absolutely isn't.

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